Friday, February 25, 2011

emo seketika

we never know someone if we never ever friend with them. that was the hypothesis.
 kenapa kita suka judge org based on apa yg dilihat saja. 
lately i know everything and something new bout friends, people and dotdot..

 all bout friends. best friends, bosom friends, friends, buddy and so on. 
but true friends are the hardest to define. hardest to find too. 
where is my true friends when im in the wrong place? 
where is my true friends when i make mistake? 
where is my true friends when i need them? 
they never be here.
maybe when i in the right place, they be here.
maybe when im the winner, they be here.
or maybe they never need me.
 thats what i learnt bout it.
 friends are easy to find but hard to define.
so the conclusion here, never let someone be the priority in yourlife and just stand on your own feet.
 remember it or just regret it.

stand by your own feet alone..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

what a BAD DAY!!!

oh gosh. seriously what a bad day. betul org cakap crying is like realeasing. so just cry and i already did it and it works. the bad day just for today i get it are :

  • math test suck
  • lack of sleep
  • BRACES GOT GF ALREADY (the most bad thing for today happen in mylife )
  • kena tinggal dgn kawan.
  • assignmnet x siap lagi

see my bad luck up there. very bad right. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


wait and stop. what im doing now? what happen with myself? what happen with my heart? kenapa la suddenly rasa malas nk blaja. mmg sindrome kew? tengok kawan2 ak ok ja. rasa mcm nk enjoy ja. oh God, i want the old me, strive to live. not this one. someone please brain wash me. esok dah la ada test math. seriously test math and i feel blank up here. my target for  tonight / morning kowt and the time after that ::

  1. bancuh mocha so i won't fall asleep
  2. minum air kosong bnyak2 so oxygen masuk lam pala hotak nie
  3. umm, study sampai habes gak , selagi x habes NO SLEEP..
  4. solat hajat "mintak bag cemerlang jugak test nie sebb quiz dah kantoi"..
  5. shut up for a moment at FB "rasa bnyak leka dgn FB"
  6. siap ja semua bnda nie, kasi tido sebentar. then get ready for MATH TEST. seriously rasa mcm dying
  7. abeh ja test merdeka seketika =)

hebat kan.. gambantehh     >_<

Sunday, February 13, 2011

cintai Dia

aku mencintaiNya seperti BUNGA mencintai titah Tuhannya, tak pernah jemu menebar mekar aroma bahagia, x pernah jemu meneduhkan gelisah yang ada. aku mencintaiNya seperti MATAHARI mencintai titah Tuhannya, x pernah jemu memberi kehangatan cahaya, x pernah jemu menghangatkan jiwa. moga tiada jiwa yang mengusik cinta ini padaNya. hanya Dia.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

when i....

  • When I am sad, I feel like crying. (rub eyes)
  • When I am proud, I feel like trying. (head held high)
  • When I feel curious, I want to know. (look up, wondering)
  • When I'm impatient, I want to go! (cross arms, tap foot)
  • When I feel angry, I look this way. (angry look)
  • When I feel happy, I smile all day. (big smile)
  • When I am puzzled, I make a shrug. (shrug shoulders)
  • When I feel loving, I want to hug. (hug yourself)