Saturday, April 16, 2011

10 things that...

10 things about guy & girl.
so chill out yaww.
if boy read this, they say 'no' with 
if girl read this, they say 'yes' with smile.

  1. FACT:: the more you talk about that person to others, the more you like that person.
  2. FACT: A crush only lasts for a max of 4 months. If the crush exceeds this limit - you are in love.
  3. Everyone says girls make drama, but I'm a firm believer that BOYS cause ALL DRAMA!
  4. You know that i like you, but the real question is: do you like me too?
  5. All the hot guys are jerks, all the nice guys are ugly, all the hot and nice guys are gay. Whats a girl supposed to do?
  6. Don't cry for a boy, let a boy cry for you. Because girls give and forgive, but boys get and forget.
  7. when boys get jealous its kinda cute when girls get jealous world war 3 is a bout to begin.
  8. Telling a boy to do something is like telling the wall to move when you run into it. No action or response!
  9. Nice guys are found  at every corner of the earth,a shame the earth is round.
  10. if boys in life could be like boys in books...we would ALL have a happily ever after <3

whatever it it,
they still need each other right.
appreciate the ones who love you.
then love + life will appreciate you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

cerita die..

Dia nie kawan yg ak baru nak rapat,
kenal waktu first sem lagi.
sem 2 baru nak rapit,
first time jumpa die, 
meluat, menyampah, benci semua ada.
bajet gile mamat nie.
ape hal kan?

tap bla lama dah kenal.
wooo, hebat la die nie.
he listen when i need him to listen,
he talk when i need him to talk,
he knows what to do and don't.
he be there when i need him,
he is the first man in the world who saw me crying ='(
malu la hahahah

klu x dak org nak jalan dgn ak,
dia cakap x pe, ak ada.
klu x dak org nak kawan dgn ak,
dia cakap, x pe ak ada.
terharu aku dengar.
sob sob sob =')

setiap orang ada kelemahan kan.
ak pown ada.
banyak gila kowt.
x pew, jadikan kelemahan seseorang sebagai kelebihan dia.
baru hidup seakan sempurna.
sebab dia nie la, ak jadi semangat nak studi.
dia cakap klu ada problem letak tepi dulu,
pikir final.
lepas final baru pikir masalah pulak.

he makes everything seems right,
he makes problem gone with the wind,
he make a day full with smile,
he make me breathe again...

metacih yeee..
you are the best thing (friend) that i ever know.

he's not a piglet and im not a skunk,
but we are friends

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tension, Final

aihhhh, lagi dekat nak final,
lagi tension ak nie.
tension ja lebih, study x pown.
come on la seitt.
2 more years and then, freedom wait for you.
bila duk asyik pikir tension ja, baik kahwin,
senang, tanggungjawab suami pulak.
aku duk rumah ja.
aihhhh, jgn pikir mcm nie..
ingat, jgn kejar kejayaan.
kejayaan yg akan kejar kita.
ingat tue.
time nak final nie la, lagi bnyak quiz + test.
dah la final seminggu lbih ja.
knapa la x lama sikit.
yg tue x pa lagi.
nie study week bagi 4 hari ja.
study apa gutu.
lain la 4 subjek.
nie sampai 6 subjek.
jenuh la.
dah la subjek trok2 plak tue.
klau ak nk jadi Dr kat hospital x bole,
Dr kat rumah pown jadi la.
x pa, kita reda dgn takdir.
apa yang penting, pecut tahap maksima,
x kisahla boleh jawab ke x kuiz esok.
yang penting final.
i want my dream come true.
yes its true.

jgn tiru mcm saya.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Like Him

my new song called Like Him.
just now i wrote it.
don't have the music yet.
dont worry, i let you know when im done with it.

He is like flying kite,
He is like the blowing wind,
Where is he going?
I want to find him.

Im worry about tomorrow,
But he celebrate this day,
He show me what is life like.
So i beg please stay.

The road show me the path,
But he make his own way,
When he fall back on steet.
With smile, back on his own feet.

Where is he come from?
He makes my heart unwell,
He comes like a storm,
But he never fade away.

He is the place where Im hiding,
He is the cure for anything,
Like a moving cloud,
But never wear it loud.

I use an umbrella,
Cause scare of the rain,
Yes, he is my star,
Don't care about the stain.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


sebelum balik azam punya la kuat,
nak study konon,
main banyak ada la.
penat bawak balik buku setimbun,
study dak pown.
haihhh, apa nak jadi nie.
kalau mcm nie, study week x ley balik la.
kalau study week balik, 
namanya bkn study la nanti.
nanti jadi leka.
dunia oh dunia.
esok ada test bio.
apa pown x baca lagi.
kambuih la kalau macam nie.
bungkuih pi..
maksudnya malam nie la nak bercekang mata study habis habisan.
suka buat keja last minit.

harap2 malam nie x macam nie la..
hope so.

Falling For You...

fall in love again!!!
yup yup and yup..
everybody tries to put some love on the line,
but everybody feels a broken heart sometimes,
its okay, normal la tue.
its not a big mistake if you fall in love,
but it quite small mistake you fall for someone who isn't willing to catch you.
try to avoid it,
ya la, to prevent our heart broke again.
if you love someone,
don't write his name in a heart cause heart can broke,
write his name in circle cause circle never ends.

its easy for me to like someone,
but really hard to fall in love with someone.
so dont make me love you cause once i love, 
its endlessly.. 

make sure he love you,
fall for him..