Thursday, March 31, 2011

Play My Music

playing guitar for the first time quite hard,
its really hard,
my finger go rough,
pain a bit,
but when you can play even just one song,
it make you satisfied, is it?
for me its yes.
its easy but complicated for the beginner.
while changing the chords,
sometimes its confusing.
it makes me jealous when i saw my friends can play well,
a perfect song,
while me "terkinja-kinja",
its embarrassing lol.
practice make perfect right,
someday i'll be on the stage,
someday i'll pay the bill with this guitar,
good things come to those who wait.
 great things come to those willing to go out and make them happen,
so i do both of it.
i will...

someday i'll be like her,
rock on the stage.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mr Paper

this is the story about a girl,
who needs a paper to write down all 
her fears, 
her tears,
her joy,
her happiness.
but she never find the right paper to write it all.
she hope that Mr Paper
will make she laugh in her cry,
will make she cry in her laugh,
will be like the back of her hand,
can hold anything in this world that wants to against her,
can be everything that she can't be,
can do anything that she can't do.
can make her life beautiful with color,
can sing a song that played in her heart,
that's Mr Paper...

who is Mr Paper?
no one know,
i just haven't met him yet

Monday, March 28, 2011


final dah dekat,
around two weeks, then study week.
after that dimulakan dengan Bismillah..
membunuh ni, ya la. 
Mr final tue silent killer taw x.
hate hate hate.
dah la rasau mcm kosong ja pala hotak ak nie.
quiz kimia tadi x taw nak kata la.
awat la ak PANDAIIII sngat.
awai2 dula x mao pulun, skunk nie baru kalot..
tue cerita DUKA..

kita buka cerita CITA.
akhirnya bercuti jugak.
x sabonyoooo,
ok sewel seketika disitu.
cuti ciput banget.
3 minggu ja.
jumpa kkngah pown sehari ja.
tue pown x taw sempat ka x..

so now,
focus on study,
just about 3 weeks more to focus,
then kita holilayyyyy la...
go seittt, we can..


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

STOP IT seitt !!!!

ish ish ish
whats wrong with me huh?
asal tengok ja, gelak.
asal gelak ja tengok.
it seems funny what.
x leyh ar nak story lebih-lebih.
x pasal ja ada yang terguris.
mulut ak nie cam longkang sikit. (roomate ak kata mcm loji) 
lebih kurang ar tue.
dah nak wat cena.
suratan takdir macam tue.
terima ja la.
BDW, still laughing right now.
seitt, stop it.
if same thing happen to you
you want people laugh at you
no right.
so, stop it
kikikikikiki (silent laugh)

i try hard not to laugh

Sunday, March 20, 2011


yup yup and yup..
things always happen with reasons.
sometimes it seems bad and awful..
x semua apa yg kita inginkan baik untuk kita,
x semua apa yg kita x mahu buruk untuk kita,
Allah mengetahui sedangkan hambanya tidak..
apa yang penting, kita kena terima dengan tabah..
positive ja selalu..
selepas hujan, pasti ada pelangi..
just believe that..
someone have said :
got your DREAMS
got your LIFE
got your LOVE
even you got NO FRIENDS
why you making this hard on youself
when there's so many beautiful reasons you have to be happy..
happy happy happy. >_<

burok kan..
whateve you wanna say and think,
for me, it is cute..
puji diri sendiri..
x pa, tue bagus..
baru da rasa self confidence
keep it up..

Thursday, March 17, 2011

menempah kejayaan?

kejayaan kena tempah ka?
actually x la,
mna da org tempah kejayaan, mengada la tempah2 kejayaan ni.
klu nak kena usaha.
ingat lagi, someone have told me,
if u want something, you gonna lose something,
statement nie boleh pakai juga.
bagus, bagus..
keep it up seitt..
kejar dekan, klu x dekan pown, 3.0 pointer above pown jadilah.
naik pentas next sem je la klu x bole sem nie..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Abah..

happy bufday abah..
even x bole rasa sambut sekali,
tapi dah rasa cukup happy.
akhirnya jadi jugak org yg pertama wish bufday abah.
klu x kakngah yg wish awal,
kes buzy la nie, bakal Dr la katakan.
its okay kakngah.
bagi peluang adikmu pulok..
mama sambut buat pulut kuning + ayam panggang
kita makan maggi ja mlm ni :'(
x pa, nnti kita balik, mama masak sedap2 naih

here is my ABAH
nmpak mcm fierce kan??
ye la, dah POLIS
mest la kena garang + macho
nie waktu muda-muda dulu
x der la muda sgt..
rasanya waktu 30-an ar.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MAKA ( Malam Anugerah Kecemerlangan / Kesedihan? )

malam nie ada dinner and what we call MAKA,
actually malas aih nak pi
dengan baju cam pa lagi,
kasut x dak,
dah la x cemerlang wat pa nak pi
and da sebb2 tertentu yang lain yg membuatkan ak really2 x nak pegi,
dari pegi MAKA baik study,
tapi akhirnya berubah fikiran jugak bila KP ak kata nak kena tolak markah klu x p,
apa nie?
ugut, x aci arr.. :(
sedih sangat bila tengok org duduk meja depan + naik pentas amik hadiah dekan.
ya la, yang aku x dekan  sapa suwuh,
malas lagi kan study..
sedih la pulak.
ak x rasa sem  nie bule dekan jugak,
tapi x pala
jnji usaha, Allah nak bagi ke x,
tue blakang kira,
everything happen with reasons rite?

actually nak upload gambo dinner, tapi tenet macam ciput,
malas ar.
len kali ja la.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

not BESTFRIEND anymore. BOSOM FRIEND now..

dengan bangganya ak mngatakan bahawa ARIFF ROSLI adalah sahabat terbaik ak dunia akhirat.
biarlah even orang x senng dgn persahabatan kita.
biaq p arr.
pa ak kesah...
macam2 ak buat taik kat ang.
ang duk maaf ak mcm tue ja even ak x minta maaf pown
ang terbaik la.
ak nie mngada kan,
suka bt perangai,
emo x tentu pasal,
suka cari gado,
yg burok2 semua ak la,
tapi ang bole ja tahan dgn ak.
sekarang ak dah taw ang kat mana bila ak senng evenmore bila ak susah..
tue la nmanya sahabat..

satu dlam beribu juta la nak jumpa kawan cam ang nie.
BDW, game rugbi ang pown tadi terbaik la, bantai org sampai 77-0..
berkat doa ak la nie.
hahah, x pasai ja nk pi lanja ang mkn esok..
sapa nak ikot jom jom...
klu sempat ak lanja la ang makan..
bagi sesapa yg x besa tengok mat aripp nie sat ak upload gambar dya..

ensem dak..
ak taw
ampa nak kata muka dya cam Black kan.
semua org cakap gutu.
jemu dah ak dengar..
whatever it is, 
ang terbaik la mat Aripp oii..

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Im Going Home


I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.

Well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.

The miles are getting longer, it seems,
The closer I get to you.
I've not always been the best man or friend for you.
But your love remains true.
And I don't know why.
You always seem to give me another try.

So I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,

Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all, yeah.

Oh, well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
I said these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.
I'm going home. 

oh mama. saranghe..

oh mama
yes i love you
happy sangat bila mama dtang tadi.
happy sangat.
rasa mcm nk peluk ja lama-lama.
tapi apakan daya, ada kelas la pulak.
even kita jumpa x sampai sejam.
rasa dah cukup puas.
orang cakap kita akan lebih menghargai kawan coz kawan kena cari.
 family lahir2 dah dapat.
i think i want change that words.
family adalah anugerah.
teman adalah....
dont know how to continue.
x pa mama, maybe its my fault from the beginning.
i already start it and i must finish it right.
whatever it is, my life now just for you.
oh mama, i love you..

Me & my Momma
greatest moment

Saturday, March 5, 2011

avril lavinge - alice

just say Im sorrry

i know its hard for someone who make mistake to say sorry..
why its hard.
egois right.
just remove it for a little while and say ' Im Sorry'
 x susah pown.
just like ABC.
i done it before and it works.
only works when someone forgive us.
but dont be afraid to say sorry,
if they not forgive us today
maybe tomorrow and another day.
you know what,
sorry also like a miracle words.
it help our heart gettin better
buang rasa sakit hati.
pulihkan hubungan.
tenangkan hati.
muhasabahkan diri kita.
mengajar diri kita to forgive and forget.
dont wait the words sorry comes to you.
you can say it to people who done wrong to you.
its okay.
everyone can say.
trust me
say it and the world will be better.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Virus

serious, she is like virus. 
always put the blame on other person even she know that the blame come from herself. 
ish, kalau ikut hati nie nak ja aku curik kasut dya sebelah tadi. 
tapi iman masih ada. kalau x dah lama ak lmbung naik atas bumbung ja kasut dya.. 
for the first time ak kena marah sebab senyum. 
pelik kan. 
ada jugak yg allergic dengan senyuman. 
aih. pelik ak dengan virus jenis nih. 
siap kena mnyumpah macam2 la.
 tapi lek lu, buat cool ja. 
virus ak tue ok ja. 
tapi kadang2 ikut mood ar. 
kalau ok, ok la. kalau x padan la muka kita. 
ak x kisah sangat dengan nagging dya. 
just anggap selingan dalam pembelajaran.
 klu study saja mest borink kan. 
act cool ja.
conclusion here, JANGAN REPEAT ja..

so here is my Virus..
x la, nie lagi burok.
virus I much better..