Friday, August 12, 2011

what we do about it??

what we do about love?

we think about it
we dream about it
we cant sleep cause worrying about it
when we dont have it
we search for it
and when we discover it
we dont know what to do about it
we fear to losing it

it is a short word
easy to spell
difficult to define
and impossible to live without

love is complicated
it could be a pain if you fell for a wrong person
it could be pleasure if right person have it

dont scared to make a mistake
from that
you will learn something
something that no one can teach you
something that you cant learn from books

for me i never have it
but always dream and wish to have real one >_<
someday with somebody

Thursday, August 11, 2011

please ask yourself !!!

Lets ask Ourself.......

1) Why does a $100 "look" so big when taken to mosque, but looks so
     small when taken to the mall.

2) Why does an hour in the service Allah seem so long, but 60 minutes of
    basketball seem so short.

3) Why does a couple of hours spent praying at mosque seem so long but seems so short when watching a            movie.

4)Why people can't think of anything to say when they pray, but have no
   difficulty thinking of things to talk about to a friend.

5) Why do people get thrilled when a football game goes into extra time, but
    complain when a khutba is longer than the regular time.

6) Why is it so hard to read a chapter in the Quran, but so easy to read 100
    pages of a best selling novel.

7) Why do people want to get a front seat at any game or concert, but scramble
    to sit in the back of a mosque.

8)Why do people need 2 or 3 weeks advance notice to fit a Muslim event
   into their schedule, but can adjust their schedule for other events at the last

9) Why do people believe what the newspaper says, but question what the QURAN says.

10) Why is it that everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to
    believe, think, say or do anything.

11) Why is it that we can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and
     they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding Allah,
      people think twice about sharing.

May Allah give us hidayath towards the Quran & Sunnah- Ameen

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

crazy about BRACES!!!!

bunyi macam pelik ja kan??
'gilakan pendakap gigi'
yes yes yes

I love watching boys with braces
suddenly gone mad
nak buat cena
taste I mcm tue

nmpak mcm kemas ja
cool and cute
ye ke?

semua org ada pandangan masing2
ada yg ckap x cantik
gigi besi
or whatever
but for me

                     p/s I LOVE MY BRACES

see my braces man
cute kan

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mushkil kah?

banyak kan kemushkilan dalam hati kita
kalau itu macam mana?
kalau ini macam mana?

problem nie slalu terjadi kat org macam aku
yes it is
selalu ja aku tanya roomates aku
and jawapannya sangat menyenangkan
like like like like like

situation A
aku : weyh, cena klu x dak org nak sambut birthday aku?
roomates : x pa, syukur ja yg Allah masih bag ang hidup..

situation B
aku : weyh, cena klu bulan posa nie mulut aku berbau?
roomates : x pa, disisi Allah mulut kita wangi..

situation C
aku : kenapa aku x dak boiprend ahh? =P
roomates : x yah boiprend2 nie, kahwin ja truih nant...

them always say
'its okay now'
what are you worried about??

life is easy
why make it hard
got my dreams
got my life
got my love
got my friends
got my sunshine above
and i have too much reasons to happy

Friday, August 5, 2011


stop making me jealous!!!!

the most thing that I cant handle in my life is 
yeah Im quite a big jealousy girl
tend to jealous even on a small thing

jealous is good??

for me, it have some +ve and -ve effects

the good things is
it train ourselves to work harder if we wanna get something
it make ourselves compete with the thing that we jealous at
can improve ourselves
at least have goals in life

the bad things is if
the competition happen on a wrong way
use dirty tricks to achieve our goals
people around you not comfortable 

jealous is a good thing if you can handle and manage it correctly
dont be afraid if you have some jealousy in the tiny box of your heart
make that jealousy as a challenge or 
something that can make you have great deal of spirit

my face when i got jealous
not comey rite??

Monday, August 1, 2011

TBC Family Day Awesome!!!

actually mmg dah agak x ramai yg nk datang
ye la
ada yg ada test, balik rumah and busy so on
but bag yg dtang tue tahniah and thanks
mcm nie la komitmen yg kita nk tengok

even x ramai
but seriously that was awesome day
really awesome
takkan dapat or jumpa family day mcm nie

game yg ajk arrange mmg gila2 la
asalnya nk knakan bebudak baru
last2 kitaorg yg kena cause terpaksa main
tap seriously best best best

we are one family
we are one TBC
& we always be MORE THAN A BAND

so take a look at my TBC family now